Introducing Nunjucks, a Better Javascript Templating System
I've been trying to embrace node.js for web application development in the past year, but one thing has continually stumped me: templates.
In my opinion, there just isn't a great templating engine out there for javascript. jade looks very cool, but it's so different that it's difficult for people that aren't used to it. Personally, I don't like the whitespace-based approach either.
EJS is arguably the most popular one for node, but it is quite ugly. It literally embeds javascript in HTML. Want to loop over items? Write a for(var i=0; i<length; i++)
loop. Not only is it ugly, it's too much logic in templates.
mustache is probably the best out there so far.
Most of these don't support advanced mechanisms like template inheritance though. Jade does, but its syntax only tailors to a certain crowd. Most of them embrace a concept called "partials" which simply lets you include other templates [1]. But "partials" don't scale. When building complex web apps, template inheritance lets you reuse templates much more gracefully.
Finally, there are several other attempts at bringing better templates to node, particularly jinjs. Most of them haven't been updated in almost a year, and lack documentation. swig looks the nicest, and I found it halfway through this, but I would rather adopt jinja's syntax over django's.
Making it Better with Nunjucks
I'm happy to release nunjucks into the wild today, which should solve many of the problems mentioned above.
It is a direct port of jinja2. jinja2 has proven to be a robust and well-liked templating system. I think the node community could learn from some of Python's packages.
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block body %}
{% for user in users %}
<li><a href="{{ user.url }}">{{ user.username }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Nunjucks implements a full lexer and parser which generates an AST, and a compiler which compiles it to raw javascript. This method makes templating very fast, and allows you to precompile your templates.
It's just as fast as jinja2, with rendering time in the order of milliseconds.
It also completely supports client-side rendering in the browser, which is something jinja2 can't do. This allows you to prerender complex pages, and use the same templates to change the page when your application receives new data. Nunjucks has zero dependencies so loading it in the browser doesn't load anything else.
For client-side rendering, you can precompile your templates for production and then you only need an 8K javascript file to run them. Nunjucks is fast and small for this reason. See documentation on client-side support.
Most of jinja2's features are supported, like template inheritance, blocks, filters, and more. You can see the missing features here.
I hope you find this useful. I sure already am. I will be using this for months/years to come, so don't expect it to go away any time soon.
If you have any questions or comments, please file a github issue!
[1] hogan.js, twitter's implementation of mustache, implements template inheritance but it is undocumentated and ugly, requiring you to manually compile all the templates beforehand.