Watch Me Develop a Game for Github's Game Off

November 2, 2012

Have you heard that Github is hosting a game off?

Have you ever wondered how a game is made? So have I. I've been hacking on interactive graphics since high school but have relatively little experience with coding games.

I've been wanting to change that for years, and now is the time! I will be tweeting and blogging as much as possible during this experience, so if you're interested too you can follow along here or follow me on twitter. I won't have time for much else, so I'm pretty much dedicating my whole site to whatever weird game I make.

I love that one of the rules is that the game must run within a browser. They are accepting plugin-based games like Unity, but I think most of the games will be web games which is awesome.

My first task: choose the technology platform. I'm well into this and will post next week about how I plan to make the game (code-wise). My second task will be to design the game mechanics and get some basic artwork.

You can view the code at this repository, but I probably won't update it near the end because people could just fork it and steal the game. Don't worry though, I'll post plenty of code samples and will glady make sure it's all up there after the deadline.

Let the games begin!